
Wafios BM41Our company uses the most advanced technology available in the field of wire processing and is equipped with a new production technologies.

Recently we purchased CNC machines for wire straightening, cutting, bending and shaping from companies Wafios, AIM and Varo. Welding technology from Panasonic, Ideal and Kempi is being used.

At present, we can make for our customers a 3D wire bending from Ø2 mm to Ø 14mm,  pressing, welding (MIG / MAG, TIG and resistance welding).

Resistance welding including butt welding is performed on machinery of IDEALJesva and VTS Bratislava.

Besides the standard wires, we are also processing stainless wires of the highest quality, as well as copper plated, galvanized and others according to customer requirements.

Furthermore, we are able to process pipe bendingcutting and forming including welding. For surface treatment we use our own paint shop, where we use both, electrostatic and fluidized powder coating.
In our own tooling and design department, we make complete preparation of manufacturing and toolings for a serial production. For design and development of a preparation for start of a new production, we use AutoCad software program.

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Sample technologies are used

Sample technologies are used

Sample technologies are used

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Quality first

We are certified according to quality standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Always check that our products meet the most demanding requirements and standards set in the industry and required by our customers.


Galmet spol. s r.o.
Pod strání 189
Netvořice, 257 44
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 317 789 270
Fax: +420 317 789 291


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