Surface treatment
All products are supplied in the required surface finish. They are especially powder paints (thermoset powders), PE and nylon (thermoplastic powders), chrome, brass, nickel, and zinc including hot dip.
For a surface treatment we use our own paint shop, which is located in Zruč Sázavou and is equipped with the latest technologies.
Over the last few years in the Czech Republic there is a continuous increase in production volume of wire products for furnishing stores, for producers of cooling and air conditioning equipment, suppliers of automobile industry components, garden furniture etc. and along with this there is a growing demand for surface finish of these components. The method for surface finish today, with regards to the growing customer requirements, is more and more frequently becoming the application of powder paints or special industrial plastics in a fluid bed. This method due to its character brings increased quality of surface protection especially in tough applications (refrigerators, automobile components).
There are no performance wise or qualitatively comparable production technologies for a fluid bed coating in the Czech Republic today.
Therefore, we launched the automated line of fluid application of industrial plastics (polyamide, polyethylene, PPA) for the needs of wire products manufacturers with application in air conditioning and food industry, automotive industry or healthcare.
Optimal coating for maximum demands of your company provide:
- complete preliminary treatment via grease removal, jetting, phosphate coating and cataphoretic priming
- powder plastic coatings and coatings applied using all available methods (electrostatic, electrokinetic and fluid)
- powder plastic coatings with high zinc content used as multilayered- coating foundations for high corrosion resistance (resistance salt fog test, at lest 5000 hours)
- cataphoretic coating (cataphoresis, KTL) for high level steel, zinc and aluminium material corrosion resistance, for primary or single- layered coating as a final surface treatment
- phosphate layers for high adherence and corrosion resistance following surface treatment
Have a question for surface treatments? Write to us!
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Quality first
We are certified according to quality standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Always check that our products meet the most demanding requirements and standards set in the industry and required by our customers.
Galmet spol. s r.o.
Pod strání 189
Netvořice, 257 44
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 317 789 270
Fax: +420 317 789 291
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